Material Girl
                     Fashion Bazzaar


Please read all the following information regarding Material Girl and the requirements for applying and being accepted

We are require the following for possible written:

✰ High quality textures
✰ custom items
✰ Inworld Mainstore

➭ The value for participation is 200L per round

➭ Each designer will create either 1-5 items of their choice, or they may pick to create one item and offer up to 5 color/versions of it.
  (these items may be items you have previously created, but have created a new color/version exclusive for Material Girl.

➭ Items prices will be marked to a discounted price. 99-120 linden, not including fatpacks.

➭ Designer are not required to participate each round. Once a month is fine.

➭ This is a new weekly event aimed to bring together different styles and different designer for one location and bring to fashion lovers madness.

➭ The items need not be only mesh

➭ Your items should be sent in the team group to be blogger

If you would like to join us please this link below and fill out the online APPLICATION if accepted we will contact.




Donning Ceo Found  / Support
MaterialGirl2 Resident  Event Support/  Manager
TifannyToxx Resident Manager/Support Blog

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